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Teaching Resources

There is an ocean of information available on the Web that can be put to pedagogical purposes. It is our task as educators of the Italian language to select resources that are suitable in terms of both grammatical and cultural content. Bear in mind that it is advisable to select materials that are at or perhaps just beyond the degree of linguistic competence of your students.

It is impractical to list all of the possibilities for use of web materials in the classroom here, we can only scratch the surface at best. Below you will find information to help you search the net and some indication of news sources. Remember: you are the best resource available to locate web sites tailored to your classroom. Use the tools listed below to enrich your curriculum with all-important authentic materials.

Search Engines and Portals

One of the most important tools for finding information on the internet is the search engine which is usually associated with a portal, or major gateway to the internet, which offers many services. There are numerous search engines on the web, some of which you undoubtedly know well:

To find web sites that relate to a given topic, type the topic (in Italian) in the appropriate box and click on the appropriate button. The engine will produce a list of web sites that in theory should help satisfy your search criteria.

An advantage that AltaVista has for the purposes of finding material in Italian is that searches can be limited to a particular language. This is useful when searching for a term that is shared by Italian and other languages, for example "shopping," "sport," "camion," or "cinema." Other search engines may also have this feature.

Some of the well known engines have Italian counterparts. Try to find some on your own by substituting the .com with a .it at the end of the URL. Here are a few examples:

Note that there are many techniques that can be employed when using a search engine that can help you narrow the results. These can be found on the individual search engine pages by clicking on a "Help" button and are too detailed to describe here.

Remember to bookmark sites you wish to return to frequently. If you need help doing this refer to the guide or manual for your browser.

Italian Search Engines and Portals

There are quite a few Italian / Italian language search engines and portals. They tend to allow you to search for Italian-only web sites but then offer the option to search the entire web. You will undoubtedly find more of these while surfing for sites in Italy.

Server Map

Here is a great resource for locating servers in Italy by using a map of the country. This is helpful for finding regional information. There is also a useful search function.

News and Media

It is useful to expose students to the language and culture of Italy by using current events, review articles, and other information that can be found in the media. You will be able to find various Italian newspapers, magazines, television stations, radio stations and other news services by using search engines. However, there are also sites that list names of media organizations. Some of these are included below:

Geography and Tourism

There are numerous sites dedicated to tourism in Italy. Many of them utilize a clickable map of Italy which can help to familiarize students with the various regions, provinces and cities of Italy. While some have tourist-oriented information, others go into greater depth:


Search engines will enable you to find web sites for particular universities in Italy, however, a useful page on the Università degli Studi di Bologna web site provides links to a multitude of Italian university servers with the help of a map:

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